Pictures & Summary
Kategori: Allmänt
Have reached Syterstugan today, which means that The Kingstrail is coming to an end soon!
My mum will join me to Hemavan before returning back home and as it looks like now we will probably get there on thursday morning.
From this spot to Hemavan is only 23 km so we will go quite far tomorrow, put up the tent on a good spot and then take the last kilometres thursday morning. The plan is to spend the whole thursday in Hemavan, have a shower, eat some nice lunch (a cheap buffé somewhere would be sweet!!) and then I need to plan more detailed how I will walk from there. I have many different dreams, but I will try to combine then somehow to one plan that will actually work out 🙂
I've collected a few pictures from the last 3 days.
Anonym säger:
Puss på er båda💕
Anonym säger:
Hej, det blev visst anonymt, men det är bara jag- syster yster o moooooster💕