Här kan man va

Happy Midsummer

Kategori: Allmänt

Yesterday was midsummer and I took the chance to eat a midsummer-buffé here. The food was amazing!! After living on dry-food and pouder-bags for more than 2 weeks my body was really craving for some real food. And wow, food-coma!

The evening ended with acoustic live-music. Two guys with guitarr and I realized how much music can affect my mood. Suddenly everything felt amazingly much better and I even took the chance to join the guys, singing a duett of "Little talks" in the end. Spontanious, relaxing and a lot of fun!
Today the weather is nice. I just spended 3 good hours at the lake with Kita. Playing with sticks, chilling in the grass and just relaxing in the sun.

Still in Saltoloukta... Starting to get really boored now but my knees are not 100% yet. I really went out to tough in the beginning. Loading my bag full of food and heading north from Abisko was a big mistake. Walked to far the first days aswell and I have to pay for all of it now. 
But I try to keep my mood up and stay positive as good as I can. I've desided to stay atleast 3 more nights and then I'll make a new decision

Regards Ronja

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